Announcing WEBSITE DESIGN and SEO For Mediators By Thurman Arnold


Website Design, Development and Optimization for

Divorce and Family Law Mediation

This is written to anyone who is a mediator, or who is beginning to make the commitment to establish a mediation practice. In order to be successful, it helps to be visible. However, how to accomplish that visibility on the Web seems shrouded in mystery.

I believe passionately in mediation as a highly productive, inexpensive, and richly satisfying alternative to family court litigation. I hope to help popularize it. The Internet is an incredible tool for reaching out to legal consumers and educating them about this option. It is excellent for showcasing our mediation philosophies and styles. Those who mediate because of the positive differences it makes have the opportunity to have an on-line conversation with disputants about the economic and emotional perils of litigation.

Mediator websites are a powerful platform from which to begin that dialogue. Not only do our on-line identities manifest an ethical vehicle for earning a living, they are tools for changes in how people at the end of relationship make choices about what they value. If we value relationship warfare, that is what we will experience. If people recognize that it is natural to be reactive, but that it is possible to manage those feelings, another world of choices and outcomes opens up.

I offer my services to legal professionals who wish to develop a nuanced on-line presence for divorce and family law mediation.

Thurman Arnold, III
Mediation Website Design and Optimization
