American Bar Association Model Standards - CHOOSING A MEDIATOR


The American Bar Association's Model Standards (2000) define mediation and affirm its importance and core values that can help guide consumers in choosing their mediator. At DFMS we subscribe to these voluntary standards:

Family and divorce mediation is a process in which a mediator, an impartial third party, facilitates the resolution of family disputes by promoting the participants' voluntary agreement. The family mediator assists communication, encourages understanding, and focuses the participants on their individual and common interests. The family mediator works with the participants to explore options, make decisions, and reach their own agreements.

Family mediation is not a substitute for family members' obtaining independent legal advice or mental-health therapy. Nor is it appropriate for all families. However, experience has established that family mediation is a valuable option for many families because it can:

  • increase the self-determination of participants and their ability to communicate
  • promote the best interests of children
  • reduce the economic and emotional costs associated with the resolution of family disputes

At DFMS we are committed to the best practices in Family Mediation in the State of California.