Mediator THURMAN ARNOLD III Recognized By California State Board of Specialization!


We are pleased to announce that Attorney and DFMS Mediator Thurman W. Arnold III has received notice from the California Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of California that he officially became a Certified Family Law Specialist on November 1, 2010. As such he joins these important professional ranks together with DFMS Mediator the Hon. Gretchen Taylor, Judge Retired, who is similarly certified.

Mr. Arnold's successful certification as a family law specialist follows a lengthy application process that began over 16 months ago. In order to become certified family law specialists, applicants are required to take a written examination that makes the regular Bar examination appear relatively easy. They must demonstrate a high level of experience in family law matters including proving the requisite number of trials and hearings and show a competency in all areas of dissolution and family law practice. They must have been favorably reviewed by other attorneys and judges who are familiar with their work, and they are required to fulfill ongoing education requirements.

The California State Bar certifies legal specialists exactly in order to help identify attorneys who have demonstrated proficiency in specialized fields of the law and to encourage the maintenance and improvement of attorney competency in these specialized fields.

Frankly, family law is possibly the most complex area of legal practice. Not only does it have its own set of Family Code statutes, and many hundreds of reported appellate decisions, it also requires a knowledge of all the rules of general civil legal practice and a familiarity with every manner of business enterprise, form of  property, and other financial interests. Most importantly, effective family law attorneys must have a strong passion and a good sense for the emotions and experiences of people who are having family law difficulties, which for most people is their greatest life crisis. Since the core requirement for successful mediation is that the parties make agreements based upon an informed consent, it is critical that they know that they can trust that their mediator fully understands the law as it applies to them and can accurately communicate that information. 

For these reasons, Mr. Arnold's certification as a Family Law Specialist is an important accomplishment and a very good reason to select Desert Family Mediation Services to assist you in your mediation needs. There are currently no other lawyers who are certified specialists in Riverside county actively serving as family law mediators.