Mediation and Parenting Form Library

Mediation and Parenting Plan Library

DFMS Sample Forms

This is a general outline of the stages that our mediations typically follow for mediating divorce, RDP dissolutions, and other family law matters including custody. We provide it to give you some idea of how to expect the mediation process to unfold.

This is our one mediator retainer agreement. Beside our professional relationship including our fee structure, it speaks to the attitude of transparency that is required between mediating parties, and it describes the confidentiality of the mediation process.

This is an evaluation form which we ask parties to fill out at the completion of mediation so that we have an opportunity to review what worked and what didn't with you, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of our services.

Collaborative Mediation

This document is an 'mission statement' that both parties to a collaborative mediation are asked to review, discuss, modify as appropriate, and sign. It is a pledge to themselves and to their former partner that they will approach the mediation process with a spirit of hope, cooperation and transparency. This pledge seeks nothing more than a heartfelt desire and commitment to attempt to work through the differences which naturally will arise during the process. If you are considering mediation or a collaborative dissolution please read it, and ask yourself whether the principles resonate for you. If they do then your success in the mediation experience may be assured.

When parties make the enlightened choice to attempt to mediate their dissolution, this Stipulation will be reviewed, discussed, modified as appropriate, and signed. It is then filed with the Family Court. Its purposes include expressing to the Court the parties' intentions and aspirations regarding the collaborative process, but it also establishes the ground rules for the mediation. Because it is a legal document it is written in the style that courts and the legal profession adopts.

This lists by categories classes of income and expenses that are useful for understanding the Wife's historical financial circumstances and budgetary considerations on a go-forward basis in all family law matters, including mediation as well as collaborative processes.

This form likewise assists in understanding the Husband's financial needs and cash flow. It is a valuable resource for listing what is important to each party and so helps to focus the discussions about money.

Collaborative Law Resources

The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals provides an excellent introductory explanation to Collaborative Law, including this "Collaborative Divorce Knowledge Kit." Here is a link to that brochure, and to the IACP website. It is a good place to begin. Collaborative Process in its full incarnation may or may not be the best solution to your transition, but it is a great place to begin.

Judicial Council Forms for Use By DFMS Mediating Parties

This is a mandatory form that must be exchanged between the parties in all California Divorces, Domestic Partnership Dissolutions, and Legal Separations. It is part of the Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure. We ask you download it and fill it in handwritten draft and bring it to your mediation as the mediator requests.

This form is also mandatory and accompanies the exchange that takes place with the FL-142. It sets forth each party's income stream and debts and must be complete and accurate. 

This form is optional, but usually it accompanies the Final Declaration of Disclosure where that is not waived between the parties. It is also a good form to use in cases involving semi-complicated community and separate property elements. 


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